The Eastern Isk Machine

As a virtual currency, Isk has a true value that has remained stable for the last 12 months. As the world recovers from a deep economic crisis, the virtual world has seen a steady acceleration of new people playing EvE Online. Web based MMORPGs have, in general, seen a good year, bucking the trend of almost every other industry currently suffering from lack of investment and/or sales.

This explosion has taken place as many prefer the virtual world than reality in view of the current economical climate. This is somewhat worrying when you consider that EvE Online is a very dark, cold and hostile place to live. But this influx of populace has helped create a larger market for the retail of Isk.

The vast majority of Isk for sale is generated in China. With an independent server from the west, due to their policy regarding certain freedoms, this has helped create an Isk plantation where huge quantities of Isk is mined then sold to the west.

As a capitalist society we are encouraged to buy whatever we need or want. This is echoed throughout EvE Online and is in-fact encouraged. Capitalism breeds greed and ruthlessness and, while these qualities are necessary for successful living in EvE Online, they are not desirable in the real world.

Although isk trading is against the EULA there exists a market regardless trough a need. China is savvy enough to see this market for what it is and, to maximise on the nature of EvE Online by selling isk to the capitalist west for our own gratification.

Have you seen my Faction Battleship?

The Long Winter

With the economic down turn it’s difficult at best to maintain a healthy bank balance. Many of the ISK merchants are offering deals which represent great value for money to help during this difficult time.

As the financial winter continues, with little sign of a quick recovery, these deals are set to continue indefinitely. At the moment the best value deals are consistently with ***** and ******. Their prices have always been very competitive and if you are buying ISK for your EvE Online account(s) it would be prudent to have a look at what they offer.

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Fair Game

Acquiring isk in EvE Online is quite simple. Within minutes of starting a new game one can be relatively rich and able to afford your first ship. Accumulating massive wealth is much more difficult. Imagine trying to raise 1 billion isk to buy a faction battleship. This could take months of hard graft and does not account for set-backs, pirates or other unforeseen problems that may arise while trying to save such a large sum of isk.

Some players have techniques which involve ‘bots’ or macros, but these are somewhat unreliable and can fall victim to opportunists. The macro’s were invented because making isk in EvE Online is quite simply a full time job. Unfortunately some of us have to maintain real life commitments. Work, families, obligations, hobbies; all can impact on your available time therefore you may not be able to play as often a Joe Bloggs whom doesn’t have a family or other commitments and can be available more often.

The fact that the training of skills is integral to getting ahead in the game, and that those skills are trained even when one isn’t in the game, it seems unfair that a person who can commit vast quantities of time to the gathering of isk can afford much more than those of us who can’t play 24/7. For this reason alone I buy isk, not to destroy the economics or subvert the playing field, but because in order for my wealth to gather at the same rate as my skills I need to purchase isk while maintaining my commitments outside of the game.

I used to feel guilty when buying isk, but this guilt has become subdued as I only buy isk as I need it. To be perfectly honest I wish I could acquire wealth from playing EvE Online normally, it would be much more cost effective but it simply is not possible to do so at the level I require through playing the game.

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The thrill of buying isk is a little like buying on the black market. Technically it’s illegal in the world of EvE Online but it’s so rife that CCP cannot possibly keep a track of what’s occurring daily.

Supply and demand dictates that there is a market for the acquisition of isk via real world cash and if CCP were savvy they would realise that they too should get in on the action. The fact is they don’t and they condone it even less so every-time a sale is made one must feel the buzz of doing something that’s frowned upon by the powers that be.

In the last four years I have bought more than 100 billion isk which is quite a sum. Strangely as I write this, I am broke. It seems there is always something to spend your hard bought iskies on in New Eden. My profession in EvE Online is that of an outlaw anyway, so this way of life suits me perfectly.

I still get a buzz from the purchase of isk and I guess I will always do so simply because of the nature of the transaction. I understand the risks involved and always buy through an ALT to preserve my main should the unthinkable happen.

Many of the merchants I use understand the techniques being used by CCP to track illegal transactions and they formulate delivery accordingly. Over the last four years I have seen the process change several times as CCP wise up but the merchants are always one step ahead.

So don’t panic, your transaction is secure, anonymous and in some cases insured so you can continue to buy with confidence.

Isk Sense

Making Isk in EvE Online is not difficult. There are many avenues open to budding pirates, industrialists or care-bears to earn isk, but acquiring vast sums of wealth can be extremely time consuming, requiring a huge commitment to the game.

The easiest method to acquire wealth is to buy isk with real money and while this is not condoned by CCP, it is rife within the tranquillity cluster. I recently bought 2 billion isk for the construction of a Tech III Strategic Cruiser, my pride and joy. Unfortunately the amount of effort required to amass sufficient resources or isk to buy out-right such a ship is beyond my capabilities. I must add that it isn’t without trying, but I cannot afford the vast quantities of time necessary to achieve such a feat.

For me purchasing isk works and allows me to operate within EvE Online as I choose. Without isk purchasing I would surely be still in a Tech I frigate, scrounging together enough isk to buy a cruiser. There are many excellent merchants whom specialise in isk sales and all are geared towards a quick and secure delivery. Many also sell time codes and items such as faction ships and modules. For up-to-date prices please visit

Merry Isk-Mas

The Yule time is upon us again and chances are that you won’t get everything you wanted for Christmas. How is your mother or your partner supposed to know that you wanted a faction battleship as your main present?

To tackle this problem you could always treat yourself to a new faction ship by buying isk and travelling to Jita. With a Billion isk in your wallet the choices of ships are literally endless, and you can take all the time in the world choosing your ship.

Already have a favourite vessel? Not a problem, as there are many faction or complex modules which can turn you ship from a lowly cruiser into the most feared and toughest combat vessel in the region. Many of the isk merchants also have provisions to sell modules directly, so you won’t have to buy them from Jita or some other far flung trading hub.

By far the best value deals are the fitted faction ships which come complete with Tech II modules and can be used immediately upon purchase. There are a wide variety of ships available and all have fittings that are proven to work.

With Christmas day fast approaching there is little time to lose should you want to alleviate some of the boredom of Christmas day playing with your new toy.

As an active member of the traditional EvE Online community I’d like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and a merry new year.

Boom and Bust

Six months ago isk prices were relatively cheap compared to today’s latest prices. It seems that the virtual economy is subject to the same effect of the recession as on the world economy and prices have risen quite sharply. All is not lost though, there are still some excellent deals if you buy in bulk and, although prices have now stabilised a drop in the mean price is not expected for some time to come yet.

As the world economy recovers from recession it’s accepted that the same will happen in New Eden and that prices generally will begin to drop. Many don’t expect prices to return to previous levels but it is hoped that the economy will start to recover soon.

New Eden’s economy is also subject to many other factors and can see significant change quite quickly. This usually occurs when CCP change a mechanic within the game which in turn affects the manufacturing, invention or mineral costs. Although this doesn’t affect the price of isk directly, the cost of farming the isk may change which can affect prices.

At present the price of isk is stable and is set to remain this way for some time yet. For the very latest isk prices please visit THE ISK SUPERMARKET.COM.