Boom and Bust

Six months ago isk prices were relatively cheap compared to today’s latest prices. It seems that the virtual economy is subject to the same effect of the recession as on the world economy and prices have risen quite sharply. All is not lost though, there are still some excellent deals if you buy in bulk and, although prices have now stabilised a drop in the mean price is not expected for some time to come yet.

As the world economy recovers from recession it’s accepted that the same will happen in New Eden and that prices generally will begin to drop. Many don’t expect prices to return to previous levels but it is hoped that the economy will start to recover soon.

New Eden’s economy is also subject to many other factors and can see significant change quite quickly. This usually occurs when CCP change a mechanic within the game which in turn affects the manufacturing, invention or mineral costs. Although this doesn’t affect the price of isk directly, the cost of farming the isk may change which can affect prices.

At present the price of isk is stable and is set to remain this way for some time yet. For the very latest isk prices please visit THE ISK SUPERMARKET.COM.