Isk Sense

Making Isk in EvE Online is not difficult. There are many avenues open to budding pirates, industrialists or care-bears to earn isk, but acquiring vast sums of wealth can be extremely time consuming, requiring a huge commitment to the game.

The easiest method to acquire wealth is to buy isk with real money and while this is not condoned by CCP, it is rife within the tranquillity cluster. I recently bought 2 billion isk for the construction of a Tech III Strategic Cruiser, my pride and joy. Unfortunately the amount of effort required to amass sufficient resources or isk to buy out-right such a ship is beyond my capabilities. I must add that it isn’t without trying, but I cannot afford the vast quantities of time necessary to achieve such a feat.

For me purchasing isk works and allows me to operate within EvE Online as I choose. Without isk purchasing I would surely be still in a Tech I frigate, scrounging together enough isk to buy a cruiser. There are many excellent merchants whom specialise in isk sales and all are geared towards a quick and secure delivery. Many also sell time codes and items such as faction ships and modules. For up-to-date prices please visit