Merry Isk-Mas

The Yule time is upon us again and chances are that you won’t get everything you wanted for Christmas. How is your mother or your partner supposed to know that you wanted a faction battleship as your main present?

To tackle this problem you could always treat yourself to a new faction ship by buying isk and travelling to Jita. With a Billion isk in your wallet the choices of ships are literally endless, and you can take all the time in the world choosing your ship.

Already have a favourite vessel? Not a problem, as there are many faction or complex modules which can turn you ship from a lowly cruiser into the most feared and toughest combat vessel in the region. Many of the isk merchants also have provisions to sell modules directly, so you won’t have to buy them from Jita or some other far flung trading hub.

By far the best value deals are the fitted faction ships which come complete with Tech II modules and can be used immediately upon purchase. There are a wide variety of ships available and all have fittings that are proven to work.

With Christmas day fast approaching there is little time to lose should you want to alleviate some of the boredom of Christmas day playing with your new toy.

As an active member of the traditional EvE Online community I’d like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and a merry new year.